Cement Eclipses Isaac Cordal Book Review
Cement Eclipses – Small interventions in the big city. Isaac Cordal. (Carpet Bombing Culture) ISBN 978_09559121_8_4, 256 pages, full colour
The little figures that populate the pages of this book may be moulded out of cement but their overriding look is one of being beaten. Beaten by the humdrumness of everyday life in the city, they appear as stooped, often faceless automatons going through the motions of a joyless life where they have no control and no purpose other than what is given to them. There’s a melancholy air about the carefully constructed scenes. A solitary man dangles on a noose attached to a broken bollard, elsewhere a line of hunched figures stand in a line in the shadow of a fence post. They seem mute, accepting that all there is around them is a grey urban wasteland, devoid of greenery and full of decay. Sometimes the figures are fully painted to reveal their features, but even when the Queen herself makes an appearance in full colour swinging on a bicycle D lock she looks forlorn, stripped of her adoring public. Life in the city can be hard, lonely and cold and Cordal captures this perfectly.
Cement Eclipses book by Isaac Cordal