art of the state archive

art of the state archive

Banksy, London street art, punk, London photography by Steve Cotton

Graffiti Books Stencil Pirates Josh Macphee

Stencil Pirates – Josh Macphee (Soft Skull Press 2004)

Exhaustive round up of stencil movements around the world. Contains advice on cutting stencils ,not getting caught and even some example stencils to get you started. This book logically categorises stencils into sub groups (text, political, characters etc) and provides over a thousand different stencils overall in colour and black and white.

Stencil Pirates  _ Josh Macphee

Stencil Pirates  _ Josh Macphee

London stencil graffiti
London spray can graffiti
London street art paste ups
London street art stickers
London street art installations
London text graffiti
London tags / other graffiti
Bristol stencil graffiti
Brighton stencil graffiti
Graffiti Books and DVD's