art of the state archive

art of the state archive

Banksy, London street art, punk, London photography by Steve Cotton

Ma’claim Finest Photorealistic Graffiti Book

Ma’Claim Finest Photorealistic Graffiti Book

The Ma’claim guys are the mutts nuts of photo realistic graffiti. Show the contents of this book to anyone who claims graffiti can’t be art and they’ll have to doff their cap in respect. Asides from the peerless workmanship on display there’s a wealth of useful ‘how did they do that’ information explaining graffiti techniques and trade secrets. And that’s something that’s missing from a lot of books. It’s good to see those who are so accomplished giving out tips and advice to those who may only be thinking of starting out.

Ma’claim hail from East Germany and, just for the record, are Akut, (El kitsch) Tasso, Case and Rusk.

ISBN 3_939566_01_2 (Publikat)

Ma'claim Finest Photorealistic Graffiti Book

Ma’claim Finest Photorealistic Graffiti Book

London stencil graffiti
London spray can graffiti
London street art paste ups
London street art stickers
London street art installations
London text graffiti
London tags / other graffiti
Bristol stencil graffiti
Brighton stencil graffiti
Graffiti Books and DVD's