art of the state archive

art of the state archive

Banksy, London street art, punk, London photography by Steve Cotton

Platform For Art on Gloucester Road Station

Platform for Art, London Underground

Gloucester Road station has an entire platform dedicated to art. Starting in 2000 ‘Platform for Art’ ran until 2007 when it became ‘Art On The Underground’. This is a picture of one of the most famous installations, Chiho Aoshima’s City Glow series work on the disused platform in 2006.

Image reference LDNPLATARTL1

All photographs copyright artofthestate 2006

Chiho Aoshima _ Platform For Art City Glow

Chiho Aoshima – Platform For Art, London Underground

London Architecture
London Art Deco
London Art Deco - transport
London Art galleries
London Bridges
Canary Wharf
Churches and Cathedrals
City of London
London Eye
Heathrow Airport
London Parks and Gardens
Paddington Basin
London Statues and Monuments
London Museums
Roads and Motorways
London at night
Public art in London
London Seasonal Celebrations
Snow in London
South Bank London
London Sports Stadiums
London Stations
Suburban London
Thames Path views
London Theatres
London Tourism
London Underground