Bugger Banksy by Roy D Hacksaw

Bugger Banksy By Roy D Hacksaw

Earth Island books, 2021, 255 pages, ISBN 978-1 9997581-9-6

Bugger Banksy Book
Bugger Banksy by Roy D Hacksaw

What’s it about? A fictional tale of a half finished Banksy deposited on the side of a barn in rural South Wales and the unwelcome spotlight it shines on the buildings owners.

Unique Selling Point: This is a work of fiction rather than a faithful recording of something that actually happened. It’s grounded in what has actually happened to the owners of other pieces with plenty of humour thrown in too.

Not so great: the art work itself but then that’s all part of the story,

Who’s It For? Like ‘Seasons Greetings’ it’s an insight into what happens when Banksy paints on your wall. If that ever happens to you you’ll be glad you read this book.

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