Lost Cherrees
Lost Cherrees – punk band from South West London

Another Winter Of Discontent. I first saw Lost Cherrees at the Surbiton Assembly Rooms Conflict gigs more years ago now than I care to remember. Its fair to say that they’ve gone through a load of line up changes since this time and this was another variation. For me the current line up have a really strong sound which augurs well for their new recordings. In fact in amongst some of their best known early songs and some from more recent times new songs like Tsunami of Shit really fitted in well. The band definitely have more of an ‘edge’ about them these days, rock solid drums, choppy guitars and a thundering bass. My personal favourite of the night was ‘Dear Tony’ from the Free to Speak….” album which tackles the lies the public were told before the Iraq war. Plenty of fairly obtuse lyrics have been written about this conflict which is all very well but sometimes Blair needs to be called out for what he is “a lying fucking bastard”! Essential listening.