Gig’s galore
Couple of gigs to talk about: This Saturday it’s the mighty Killing Joke in London. A couple of weekends ago it was Conflict’s Gathering of the Thousands in Kentish Town. Even though it kicked off at 2pm and I didn’t arrive until eleven I still managed to catch plenty of bands. Blaggers AKA played a good set but where were the keyboards / samples? Still good to see ‘m tho. Subhumans and Icons of Filth also turned great albeit cut short sets. The Subhumans even played a new song! Icons of Filth ended with the jaw droppingly good “Airwaves” from their new Nostradamnedus LP. Talking of jaws, Anti Flag’s regular singer couldn’t turn ‘cos he’d smashed his before the gig. But I have to say the rest of the band played a blinder right from their opening cover of the Clash’s White Riot. Selling their Cd’s and T shirts cheap too (six quid) was a nice move too. Disorder played too tho for not very long (which in some peoples opinion was quite long enough, thank you very much).