Pure Evil show / Stelladore launch
Pure Evil has a gallery! 108 Leonard Street, Shoreditch, London. The first show by Pure Evil includes a 2m long painting quaintly entitled ‘Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Bastards’ and paintings of that most famous car crash that has perplexed Daily Mail / Express readers for the past decade. PE also has a couple of prints available on the recently launched stelladore.com website. Only trouble is when I click on ‘buy’ for his East End Tagger print a sign comes up saying You Have No Items In Your Basket. Oh well, I guess that means they’ve gone already. Anyway, going back to Stelladore there’s a wealth of established and new artists on the site including Dface, Eine, Cept, Pure Evil, Chu, Modern Toss, Cat Johnston, Word to Mother (more of whom soon), Kid Acne, Tinsel Edwards, J-lib and Twinkle Troughton. That’s quite a roster already….
More about the picture below tomorrow.
Seem to have fixed the basket problem now