JR in town
Jr is in town and has completed a few new paste ups of his photographs. That sounds pretty simple but take a look at the scale and content and you’ll see this is no ordinary poster run.
Jr is in town and has completed a few new paste ups of his photographs. That sounds pretty simple but take a look at the scale and content and you’ll see this is no ordinary poster run.
love those guys peering over the top of the wall. looks great. are they monks?
hope you don't miond me asking a question…
ive been looking for some graffiti blogs etc 'cos I want to put a question to people like yourself who actively blog about street art…
in regards to this exhibition at Tate, or something similar, would you be interested in seeing something like a temporary blog/website set up with maybe a panel of the UK's top writers discussing where they think graffiti is going and who are the up-coming writers to look out for?
wiht the end result being not just promoting established writers, but some young 'uns too. maybe getting one guy along to the Tate to meet the artists exhibiting.
Amazing work and great dimension
Your blog is very cool!
Yeah, that JR piece is the strongest piece on the tate in my opinion, really clear instant impact and the perfect position as you cross the millenium bridge.
this photos are just awesome.
thx for sharing
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