Cans – the throw ups arrive
The work at Cans 1 lasted a remarkably long time before a few tags appeared then gradually took over. It got to the point where there was very little left and Cans2 arrived and reworked just about every surface. This time around it seems things are not going to last half as long. A walk through the tunnel shows most Cans 2 pieces have already received some sort of addition in the past few days and while I was there a small battalion of young teenagers were steadily putting throw ups over large sections of the more intricate works. Zeus’s 3d tag was in pieces across the floor and the cars were looking ever more trashed. There was new work on show, however, from the likes of Mode2. Its still worth a visit if you haven’t been yet.
New work by Mode2 at the Cans Festival
All those with ideas about putting these Faile pieces on Ebay have had their plans scuppered in just a few minutes.