Very Nearly Almost #22 – out now
VNA issue 22, out now from verynearlyalmost.
The new edition of Very Nearly Almost (VNA) magazine is now available to order and a little cracker it is too. Everyones favourite Portuguese chiseller Vhils graces the cover and there is an in depth interview with him inside along with the irrepressible Tizer (check out the great compilation series of photographs of the man, the legend grinning alongside lesser mortals such as Damon Albarn and, er, Rolf Harris to name but a few). There’s plenty of fresh street art photography from London and from around the globe but for me the best photographs are the artist portraits with those of Miss Led and Soker being the stand out ones. The Soker West Country shots are a nice break from the often cliched artist against the piece photo, more of this in future editions please! Elsewhere you’ll find Brazil’s Cranio (recently to be found in Brick Lane), Polish crew ETAM and Australia’s Vexta. Highly recommended, nothing else comes close in the printed format.