NO LIP / MORGELLONS at the Hobgoblin
NO LIP / MORGELLONS Saturday 15th February 2014 at the Hobgoblin, Staines
Staines in West London is hardly known as a punk rock town. In fact it’s more famous for being the home of Ali G and Hard Fi but it’s quite local to me so seeing a punk gig advertised and stuck for something to do on a Saturday night I thought I’d give it a try.
Moregllons kick things off in fine style. I think I recognise Mark from the Straps on the bass but the rest of the band are unknowns to me. They play with a effortless style of their own, not fast, not hard but definitley with an edge. They remind me a little of the bands that came after the second wave of punk that incorporated new ideas and increased levels of musicianship. They have some songs that lodge readily in your head too – like my personal favourite ‘Stay’. I pick up a CD at the end of the gig and it confirms that their unique style transfers well to recording. I expect them to move on to bigger things.
No Lip are an unashamed punk covers band. It’s what they do and they do it so well. They have a clear love of all the classics they play from the likes of the Clash, SLF etc. Standards like the UK Subs ‘s Tomorrows Girls are treated with respect in their hands and given energy and new life (not that the current UK Subs lack this). They don’t try and be the bands they cover – they just enjoy playing the songs and that rubs off on the crowd too who join in the fun. Wow, punk rock in Staines!
Watch No Lip play Tomorrow’s Girls live in Staines.
Watch Morgellons play Stay live in Staines
Morgellons at the Hobgoblin
Morgellons at the Hobgoblin, Staines