ALL / SNUFF at the Garage
ALL / SNUFF Monday 28th April 2014 at the Garage, Islington
Been a while since I last saw Snuff, might have even been when Simon was last on guitar. The band have changed somewhat in the meantime. They’ve got larger in numbers but Duncan’s still on the drums and he was always one of the two vital components in the band back in the day. It’s great to see them tonight, like seeing an old friend. That cheeky charm emanating from behind the drum kit with quick one liners and put downs. Lots of favourite tunes played loud, great stuff.
When All hit the stage there’s a bit of a collective gasp in the crowd. I don’t think anyone was quite prepared for the beard. Is that Chad Price under there? And then he sings. Why yes it is Mr Price and he sounds damn fine too. Shock over we settle into a run through of some All classics, She’s My Ex being a particular fave. Stephen Egerton’s guitar playing is just jaw dropping, he messes around with timing,never takes the conventional route but everything is… just perfect. Except tonight, he gets picked up Bill for making an error. Bill jokes that he can’t actually believe he’s done this. All good fun. All rarely play the UK, go see them if you get the chance.
A little bit of Snuff from last night for you, Marbles from the Garage: