Gigs round up
Left the good camera at home of late – these are mainly phone pics. Normal service will be resumed shortly 🙂
Miserable Wretch, Tchances, Tottenham
Cress, Tchances, Tottenham
Oi Polloi at T Chances, Tottenham
Representative of the Common Street Punx Collective in Burma at TChances, Tottenham
Sleaford Mods, Banquet Records night at New Slang, Kingston
Ruts DC, Guildford G Live
The Stranglers – G Live, Guildford
Refuse All – Cricketers, Kingston
The Discinclined, Crickerters, Kingston
Religion Equals Decay (RED) at the Cricketers, Kingston
Mantra supporting Creeper at Kingston college
Creeper, Kingston
Religion Equals Decay, The Cave, Addlestone
Peter and The Test Tube Babies at the Cave, Addlestone
No Lip at the Cave, Addlestone